Rent Value Determination Report

In cases of disputes frequently encountered between tenants and property owners, it is beneficial to consult with Denge Değerleme for the preparation of a rent determination report.

Denge Değerleme, which will prepare the rent determination report in an independent and objective manner, will examine the location, physical features, size, view, age, legal status, and other characteristics of the property in question and provide a rent determination. The report will reflect the current rent value of the property, free from speculations and exceptional circumstances that might occur in the market.

In disputes related to rent and during legal processes, obtaining a rent determination report is crucial for resolving the issues and reaching the correct rental value. It can be said that when a rent determination report is prepared, disputes are resolved more quickly.

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We Schedule a call at your convenience 


We do a discovery and consulting meting 


We prepare a proposal 

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